
Showing posts from June, 2022

Summer Solstice 2022 "Shine your Inner Light"

  At our Summer Solstice event we gathered together in a sacred, safe space to honour the divine feminine in principle, in ourselves and in each other. We began with a cleansing ritual, smudging with sage. At this special time of year, the longest day and the shortest night, the Sun’s energy is powerful. It is a time of abundance, fulfilment and joy. It is a time when we have access to all the potential of our deeper selves. We invoked the five elements of earth, air, fire, water and spirit.  We listened to a guided drumming journey to connect to the power of the Sun and our own inner light. We received an offering of fire energy and blessed fruit from the altar, as well as a personal message.    We sang some Singing Meditations then went into the garden for refreshments. We embraced the “triple trunk” tree, walked the Chakra stones and enjoyed a bonfire. “Thank you for a lovely Solstice celebration yesterday, I really enjoyed it” “Thank you so much ilana for such