

    Hi everyone, As the autumn colours continue to turn and develop, and the evenings become darker, it’s time to become present with the more inward half of the year. SAD lamp I have been hearing from some people that this year is even more challenging than usual. Maybe because of the low sun levels in the UK this summer. Is this you? I HUGELY encourage you to get yourself a SAD lamp.  September is the perfect time to start using it to prevent the winter blues! I absolutely love mine and really recommend them. If you do decide to buy here are my top tips:- ·       make sure it’s 10,000 lux minimum (medical grade) ·       sit within three feet so the lamp is really close to your face ·       angle the lamp above you and to the side so the light enters your eyes diagonally from above like the real sun ·       use for at least fifteen minutes every morning before 12pm, ideally when you first get up. I find breakfast time to be

Amplifying the Field of Grace

  Hi everyone, How have your summer holidays been going? Have you been making time to go on trips, spend time with loved ones and have some fun? Have you been spending time outdoors appreciating sky, sun, sea and grass? Keep it Simple The simplest of nature spiritual practice is to observe nature all around you, and send a pulse of appreciation from your heart. It can take just one second! A simple thought “wow! Those clouds look pretty”, is actually a prayer of appreciation and is received. Mother Earth could do with some love right now. I want to encourage you to give these small prayers everywhere you go. Prayer is something that has real value. It doesn’t have to be a structured set of words, though it can be. It doesn’t have to be embodied in gestures which make a ritual, but it can be. You can truly keep it simple, and that love felt and sent, is received. In my understanding, love is an energy. Everything is an energy. I believe that when we pray, or send love, we “a