
Showing posts from May, 2022

Kind Goddess

  At our Kind Goddess event we gathered together in a sacred, safe space to honour the divine feminine. We began with a cleansing ritual, smudging with sage. We invoked the five elements of earth, air, fire, water and spirit. We engaged in active meditation using pens and paper. We created a Kind Goddess pouch using herbs and crystals (to keep under our pillow and bathe us in kind energies while we are sleeping). We listened to a guided drumming journey to meet our inner Kind Goddess! We repeated our mantra “I receive kindness. I am kindness”. We breathed in the soft energies of the divine feminine which are pure kindness and grace, whilst connecting with our own creative centre. What a beautiful evening! “I imagined I was in a crystal cave and the goddess met me” “I felt like I was floating” “The kindness was so strong it made me cry” Click here to watch the youtube video