Only love can heal and as we heal ourselves, we heal the world.

Only love can heal and as we heal ourselves, we heal the world. This blog is written with anger transmuting into passion. It is my inner knowing, my beliefs and my opinions (not absolute facts). The tone is one of frustration! Please don’t mistake the strong expression of my inner truth to be absolute certainty. Humility is my first value and it is always my reality that I don’t know everything. There’s always a next awakening, a next realisation, a next learning. In this blog I am putting across my knowledge and experience of spirituality and pure love in a very passionate manner! Please accept my words through the lens “this is ilana’s truth, her inner knowing, and not a statement of absolute facts”. I don’t claim to fully understand the spiritual laws of the universe! Take what makes sense for you, and then (always) find your own truth. I don’t think that any human being can completely comprehend the quantum, metaphysical nature of everything. Perhaps that level of b...