Only love can heal and as we heal ourselves, we heal the world.


Only love can heal and as we heal ourselves, we heal the world.

This blog is written with anger transmuting into passion. It is my inner knowing, my beliefs and my opinions (not absolute facts). The tone is one of frustration! Please don’t mistake the strong expression of my inner truth to be absolute certainty.

Humility is my first value and it is always my reality that I don’t know everything. There’s always a next awakening, a next realisation, a next learning.

In this blog I am putting across my knowledge and experience of spirituality and pure love in a very passionate manner! Please accept my words through the lens “this is ilana’s truth, her inner knowing, and not a statement of absolute facts”. I don’t claim to fully understand the spiritual laws of the universe! Take what makes sense for you, and then (always) find your own truth.

I don’t think that any human being can completely comprehend the quantum, metaphysical nature of everything. Perhaps that level of being is where we are eventually evolving to? So long as we all choose to allow pure love and compassion into our hearts and lives, surely.

I strongly believe that it is not sacred to repress our feelings and it is not sacred to be “perfect”. I have observed that repression, denial and judgment lead us AWAY from divinity.

If we continue with the attitude of punishing ourselves for being imperfect, how can we ever relinquish our abusive behaviours and rest into the grace of healing? Only love and true compassion brings a culture of safety for everyone to be humble, so that we can transcend and evolve.

I choose to follow a way which is authentic, grounded and real. My version of spirituality is earthy, and human. In my opinion, there is nothing “wrong” with humans that needs to be corrected.

Absolutely yes, vulnerable people need to be safeguarded, and all of us need to take real responsibility for our actions. Challenging behaviour is a cry for healing in the first place. Abusive behaviour is a dark and tragic extension of that, perhaps created over many lifetimes.

I don’t take the attitude that some people are “evil” and therefore should be punished into perfection.

I do take the attitude that some people inflict evil behaviour on others, however.

My understanding is that at the core of every soul, even very deep, deep down, even if it’s only an energetic substance unapparent in the personality, individuality and past life soul experience, EVEN THEN, the fundamental lifeforce is the light of love which created it.

I perceive that humans are innately spiritual in their essence, and that nature is innately spiritual. I do not accept that there is a dominant male figure of spiritual law anywhere in the sky, or anywhere else, that punishes us for being imperfect.

I notice that relying on external religions and teachers can be detrimental. Those practices need to be balanced. No one can give us our magic, not even a living saint or guru, we have to find it for ourselves!

I believe that God is within us, and the more we seek inside ourselves to embody divine values, the more we embody love, the more we heal, and the more we contribute to the healing of the world.

Now, here is the raw moment of my writing…

Hi everyone,

I recently experienced uncompassionate behaviour which affected my wellbeing. When I sought help and support for protecting my vulnerability I was not heard. When I offered boundaries united with compassion towards those who displayed the behaviour, the group rejected it.

What kind of world do we live in?

Right now I feel angry! I haven’t been seen for most of my life. When I’ve asked for help I’ve been ignored or rejected. This trained me to give up, to submit. On the occasions I refused to submit I was tortured into obedience.


I’ve strived every moment of my life to survive and heal from this oppression.

Don’t tell me that the reason I’m treating myself so well right now is because I have developed self-esteem, learned to love myself and therefore have stopped attracting abuse.

It is not my fault that I’ve been treated badly by others.

People who are beaten down by oppression are not people who fail to love themselves and therefore allow themselves to be treated badly. The fault is with the oppressor and the oppressive culture.

Take responsibility for your world. How do you treat vulnerable people? Do you ignore them while you sit in the comfort of your life? Wake up! This could happen to you too.

Systematic erosion of self-worth through gas-lighting and other techniques is a guaranteed method of mental torture which anyone, at any base-level of esteem, would succumb to.

Don’t judge the victims.

Don’t blame the victims.

Being born into a shame-filled, oppressive culture does not indicate original sin or bad karma, which dictates that we attract, or require, suffering and punishment.

Being born into this world means that we have a generous spirit. We come here knowing that we will suffer, and we still choose to incarnate.

Why is that?

It is my inner knowing that we incarnate to bring gifts of love to the world.

Our choice is motivated by love and a desire to make the world a better place. What we learn along the way enables us to heal from the suffering the world inflicts upon us.

The healing enables us to shine more gifts into the world.

Always, these values guide me:- Humility, Truth and Compassion. They are my guiding light and represent divine love to me.


You ask me the question “what about people who have bad karma from past lives?”

Bad behaviour is an expression of unhealed pain. Let’s start with that.

At their core people are not inherently evil. However, the suffering we experience (and over lifetimes) can drive us to display evil behaviour.

The reward is experiencing power and relief from our pain. This puts pressure on the choices we make. In an environment that is loveless, all of us are susceptible (don’t judge).

This is why spiritual practice with a pure focus on love keeps us healthy and well. The wise decision is to have this discipline and commitment.

My inner knowing is this.

We incarnate with a desire to bring gifts of love. That love is universal. It is equal towards ourselves, others and all things.

Our soul memories of old pain and old bad behaviours that we have inflicted on others come under the universal headings of “suffering”, “trauma”, “pain”.

There is no distinguishing between my suffering and your suffering when it comes to pure love and spirit. In that place, we are all One.

As we incarnate into our individuality, we bring our past life experience of trauma with us.

The oppression, shame and abuse that are the culture and environment then pile on top of us and interact with our trauma history.

Guilt and shame are not divine tools for perfecting people’s behaviour. They are human emotions which are the opposite of divinity.

These dark feelings are encouraged and applied in order to keep us oppressed and leave others feeling powerful.

They represent a disconnection from divinity, even a denial of it.

Guilt is different from natural conscience. With natural conscience we recognise suffering and we take action to make amends.

Then we continue to be kind and loving towards ourselves and others.

Guilt is a dwelling place of rumination on what bad people we are. Guilt seeks punishment.

So, here’s another question. Have I experienced extensive abuse in this life because in a past life I, myself, was an abuser?

My response is this.

We don’t always know and it might not be helpful to know either.

In spirit there is no distinguishing between mine and yours. We are all One. Therefore, my history registers “trauma” whether I was a victim or whether I was the abuser.

When you think about it, all abusers were originally victims anyway.

None of us are ever being punished. We do not experience violent retribution in order to evolve into better people.

Violence begets violence.

Violence is not a spiritual teaching.

I experienced extensive abuse in this life because I chose the situation I would be born into (though I did NOT consent to the abuse).

My motivation was to bring gifts of love. I do this by healing myself and caring for others.

We are not born into suffering in order to learn how to be good people, although suffering does bring opportunities for learning.

We are not brought challenges in life as a method of inflicting suffering so that we can learn how to be good people, although challenges offer opportunities for learning.

Let me be clear. Suffering in itself is not a gift to be thankful for. The gift is our own transcendence.

The motivation of the divine is ONLY LOVE.

Only love seeks to re-awaken in us.

Only love seeks to reconnect in us.

When love re-awakens in us it triggers pain from trauma because this pain is “not love”.

Pain from trauma hurts. This suffering is an expression of healing. This suffering is an opportunity for growth and learning. This type of suffering happens because we, ourselves, are ready to grow.

There’s another kind of suffering.

There is suffering because we chose to be born into this world. Let’s call it “environmental” suffering.

This is the human suffering driven by evil behaviour, the quests for power, greed, lust. These behaviours in their deepest origination represent pain from trauma.

We all have trauma.

Environmental suffering is the manifestation of the whole history of human trauma.

The whole history of human trauma is our common ancestry whatever our ethnic origins, gender or non-gender, religion or non-religion, wealthy or poor, whatever we look like, whether we’re able or disabled, or anything else.

The whole history of human trauma belongs to all of us. Therefore, the evil behaviour belongs to all of us and the responsibility to heal ourselves and care for others belongs to all of us.

It is the knowing of our spirit that the Truth is that we are all One. It is our love and generosity that leads us to incarnate and continue to travel the human journey together.

Experiencing the environmental suffering of the world is inevitable for all of us. It represents a sacrifice in terms of endurance and sharing. In this sense, we are all bodhisattvas.

It is not divine law to say that this type of suffering is personal and deserved.

It is not acceptable to say that victims of abuse deserved it because they are bad people and have bad karma.

The choice we all have is this “to heal or not to heal”.

When we choose healing we choose humility. We confess our pain.

When we receive truth we know we are loved, made of love, born of love, supported by love. Guilt and shame fall away.

When we apply compassion we find kindness for ourselves and others.


BE KIND in this world.

Be kind to vulnerable people.

Be kind by imposing boundaries on bad behaviour.

Be kind by remembering that bad behaviour is driven by pain.

Be kind by creating healing support for everyone.

Be kind by contributing to the growing culture of love and compassion in this world.

Om Shanti.


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