
Showing posts from May, 2023

Emergence at Beltane 2023

  We began our honouring with sage smudging. We burnt the fragrant sage and received the cleansing smoke around us whilst chanting quietly.   Next, we brought ourselves into present awareness with the breath and by engaging our senses. We took in the sights of the images and seasonal decorations on the altars. Then we turned to taste ( a sundried sultana), and we each chose a meditation stone to hold. We listened to the sounds of birdsong, and paid attention to the scent (lemongrass, juniper, ylang ylang).   We took some deep breaths together, relaxed our bodies and re-connected with ourselves. When we welcome ourselves and our beautiful bodies into the sacred space we feel instantly more calm. We acknowledged this time of honouring we give to ourselves, and embraced the intention to feel compassion and absolute kindness. So often, we are automatically hard on ourselves and focussed on external judgments.  At the beginning of our events this reminder about compassion and kindne