Emergence at Beltane 2023


We began our honouring with sage smudging. We burnt the fragrant sage and received the cleansing smoke around us whilst chanting quietly.  

Next, we brought ourselves into present awareness with the breath and by engaging our senses. We took in the sights of the images and seasonal decorations on the altars.

Then we turned to taste ( a sundried sultana), and we each chose a meditation stone to hold. We listened to the sounds of birdsong, and paid attention to the scent (lemongrass, juniper, ylang ylang). 

We took some deep breaths together, relaxed our bodies and re-connected with ourselves. When we welcome ourselves and our beautiful bodies into the sacred space we feel instantly more calm.

We acknowledged this time of honouring we give to ourselves, and embraced the intention to feel compassion and absolute kindness. So often, we are automatically hard on ourselves and focussed on external judgments. 

At the beginning of our events this reminder about compassion and kindness brings us into the Divine Feminine energy, providing a much needed re-balance.

Next, we listened to an introduction about Beltane. We learned that the word Beltane means “bright fire” which symbolises the Sun.

We learned about the sacred marriage of masculine and feminine forces at this special time, and that Beltane brings us the fire of creativity within ourselves. 

The fire is also purifying, cleansing and protecting. There is a theme of casting off the darkness, shedding what is no longer needed, and celebrating and honouring the light in ourselves and each other, and all of creation.

We learned about the traditional maypole dancing, and that the pole represents the divine masculine and the ring of ribbons at the top of the pole, the divine feminine. 

The symbolism is that Mother Earth reaches up to Father Sky, and the dancing weaves the ribbons in a representation of the spiral of life.

Next, we invoked the elements in the four directions.

An Altar for Beltane

Citrine crystal in the north

Tibetan symbols for sound in the east

Candle flame in the south

Scented water in the west

A miniature may pole tree in the centre for spirit.


Our guided meditation took us into a special tree to cocoon in a warm, calm space. We received understanding about the spiral of life, and connected with the consciousness of Mother Earth and Mother Universe.

Our Shamanic Drumming gave us the opportunity to journey with spirit guides and spirit animals, and explore our inner landscape even more deeply. 

All of us experienced profound inner connection and some even progressed their journeying abilities. A memorable Beltane expansion indeed.

Towards the end we extinguished the candle on the altar and set our intentions to cast off shadows and let go of all that is no longer needed, or meant for us.

We re-lit the candle to celebrate new light, new beginning and new directions, as we all imagined emerging from our special tree like a butterfly.

We sang some singing meditations together and then received an offering of fire from the camphor flame.

After closing the sacred space we enjoyed refreshments and conversation. We each shared with the group an inspiring person and their qualities, which was fascinating and insightful. We were reminded of the qualities we each have within us, as we emerge and expand into our best selves.

“I don’t know what I’d do without these events.”

“It’s such a powerful space”

“Thank you”

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