A New Age

Hi everyone, In the Northern Hemisphere, the autumnal colours have been fully developed for a while now, and are beginning to tip over towards late autumn and winter, as the leaves fall. In England, we have had a glorious display of fiery colours! I am told that it all depends on the weather 😉 , and each year is different. These warming hues of orange are so welcome as the days get shorter and colder. I am adding warming spices to my cooking. I especially love smoked paprika at this time of year, and ginger. I love my hot water bottle, and my extra blankets, and my slow cooker! What are your favourite autumnal treats? In what ways you can practice excellent self-care? I like to book a massage, and a yoga class. This is a time of year for self-nurture, for sure. Astrology and the Age of Aquarius I want to talk about the Astrology. For some months now, I have been recognising the momentous moment we are currently ...