A New Age


Hi everyone,

In the Northern Hemisphere, the autumnal colours have been fully developed for a while now, and are beginning to tip over towards late autumn and winter, as the leaves fall.

In England, we have had a glorious display of fiery colours! I am told that it all depends on the weather😉, and each year is different. These warming hues of orange are so welcome as the days get shorter and colder.

I am adding warming spices to my cooking. I especially love smoked paprika at this time of year, and ginger. I love my hot water bottle, and my extra blankets, and my slow cooker! What are your favourite autumnal treats?

In what ways you can practice excellent self-care? I like to book a massage, and a yoga class. This is a time of year for self-nurture, for sure.

Astrology and the Age of Aquarius

I want to talk about the Astrology.

For some months now, I have been recognising the momentous moment we are currently living through.

Since the nineties, the planets have been transiting through Aquarius. There has been a gradual transition into the Age of Aquarius since then.

If you think back (if you’re old enough!) to how life was in the nineties, you can compare it to now. For example, the internet started, social media started, mobile phones have become commonplace.

Our world is much more globally connected. There is a lot more transparency!

Each of the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars etc. have been moving through Aquarius effecting shifts and changes. Finally, the outermost planet, Pluto, is about to settle fully into Aquarius.

Things move gradually in the cycles of nature, and planets move back and forth in a process of transition. So, Pluto was moving in and out of Capricorn back in 2007 and 2008 (I think!), and then settled in Capricorn for the last long cycle.

During that time the Capricornian institutions and traditions have been getting an overhaul. Can you recognise that?

Now, as we approach the final settling into Aquarius of the outermost planet on 19th November 2024, we can expect an acceleration in the transition into the Aquarian energies.

There will be more openings for community-based ventures, humanitarianism, inventiveness (think eco, think medicines), individuality (rather than homogenisation), more freedom.

I am so thrilled!

For me, these last few months have felt like “crunching through the crusty”, as we journey through the exit of the Capricornian energies. I have been encountering some pretty big challenges.

As the Sun has now moved into Scorpio for this final phase as well, it can feel pretty intense!

Tough times often provide us with spiritually generous opportunities for healing and transformation. I encourage you to go with the flow. So much! We all find it hard, including me.

I find that listening is definitely a key to success. Carving out quiet time for ourselves journalling, meditating, walking in nature or in spiritual practice of some kind, can be so, so supportive.

The universal energies will keep doing their thing! So, it’s only be rolling with it, that we will maximise our soul’s potential.

Honour the Ancestors at Samhain Glossop, UK

Would you like to retreat into a softly lit, quiet, sacred, space for an internal and calming evening?

It’s such a special time of year, where we intuitively become more inward and seek rest times and contemplation. Traditionally, always a time to remember and honour ancestors. Thoughts lean towards lost loved ones, and the deeper questions of life.


Will you join us for a special honouring? Speak your beloved ancestors’ names into the space, and receive and share spiritual blessings.

We will practise mindful, conscious breathing, sacred ritual, guided meditation, shamanic drumming and singing meditation.

Thursday 31st October, 7.30pm to 9pm at Bradbury House, Glossop

At Samhain, as we enter the darkness we return to the light. As our ancestors pass through death they return to spirit. As we journey within ourselves, we discover the expanse of everything. Within the dark womb is the light of creation. As we let things go, space is created for growth. As the plants die back, they prepare for rebirth. As we withdraw, we rejuvenate. The veils between worlds are thin, and now is a time to surrender your physical existence and reach for the divine.

Much love for now,

ilana x

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