Being Psychic


I find that people are curious about what it means to be psychic, how that feels and how it is experienced. So, I feel prompted to speak a little about this from my own perspective.

Firstly, I often feel I need to reassure people that I am genuinely not telepathic! Your thoughts are privately your own. I can’t read your mind.

Also, I don’t remember every detail of any psychic messages you may have received from me. This is because when I am transmitting psychic messages to people or into my writing, I am acting as a conscious channel.

I am merging my cognitive comprehension and communication abilities with the divine forces that I am receiving the information from. I pass on the information as though I am a communication device.

Psychics have abilities and skills which mean they are able to see (clairvoyance), hear (clairaudience), and sense (clairsentience). They then interpret the symbolism of these messages and translate the meaning to their clients.

When a psychic has an enhanced ability to comprehend, they receive downloads (claircognizance).

A trance medium allows spirit to use their body and voice box to speak (I don’t do this). The identity of the medium steps aside. Often, in this state, the trance medium may have no recollection at all of what has been said.

I work as a conscious channel with my primary ability being claircognizance.

My definition of this is that it is a blending of those two states (psychic and trance medium). I am merged, or shapeshifted, with the divine energies that are transmitting through me, and I relay the information from this way of being.

I am fully conscious and have a memory of what the information has been. However, over time, these memories tend to fade unless they relate directly to me with emotional impact.

Did you know? Memory is closely aligned with emotion? So, whilst I may retain a certain impression of the messages I transmit to people, I am unlikely to remember a lot of the information. Whereas, if you receive the messages from me, and you are emotionally impacted, then you are more likely to have committed it to memory.

Often, people ask whether it is tiring to give readings? I have a mixed answer to this question. I have heard psychics say that yes, they do find the work tiring.

From my own experience of mediumship with loved ones who have passed (I don’t offer this service anymore), I can say that I found it an emotionally tiring experience. For me, this is less because of the mechanics of being psychic, and more because of holding emotional space for such an intense experience.

However, I would say that since I have been committed to channelling messages from divine beings only, I have found it much less tiring. This is because, after my Angelic Reiki training, I have been more able to “step aside” and allow the Angels and other high vibrational energies to work with me.

Often, I find the experience to be profound, spiritually enriching and rewarding. The tiredness may be there because of the integration of profound insights, and from receiving healing through the experience.

So, I trust my sharing has satisfied some curiosity! I do not profess to speak on behalf of all psychics! This is my own personal take on things.

Thank you for reading.

Many blessings,





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