

Entering Winter can be about entering leaner times. Times when there is (historically) less food available, times when there is less warmth from the Sun available, times when the physical environment is more harsh.

As a devotee to personal transformation, I am always looking for the “treasure”. 

I find that one of the symbolic and refreshing things about these leaner times is the scaling back, the decluttering, the simplicity. For me, there is beauty in the clarity of the season.

As I look around in nature, I am able to see through the trees (now they have no leaves) to the views beyond. To me, this resonates with a theme of fewer distractions. The expanded depth of vision provokes feelings of release from confusion and overwhelm.

Simplicity and clarity can feel purifying, bright and light, like the snow. For me, this is some of the mental, emotional and spiritual treasure of the winter and of the leaner times.

Yin Times

What is the treasure that can be found from being quiet and being still? From having no distractions?

We can find Goddess, God, the inner divine. We can find ourselves, our true feelings, our true nature. We can find rest.

The treasure can be healing, releasing, grieving, forgiving, integrating. It can be having more time and space available in the dark evenings for contemplation, reflection, self-connection, rejuvenation, rest, sleep, recovery, research, reading, learning, cooking hot nourishing food, sharing cosy indoor time with friends, loved ones and pets.

The treasure can be the resting of the nervous system, giving it less stimulation and allowing ourselves to replenish and prepare for the spring.

Winter is an important part of the cycle. If we were always completely active and never rested, if there was always a yang and never a yin, we would be burnt out. If every day was a day and there was never a night and we never slept, then we would literally physically die quite quickly.

The yin times, the quiet times, the inward nurturing times, are important and there is treasure there. 

Some of the treasure can be in those quiet times of connecting with the unconscious self, and receiving wisdom and fresh ideas and perspective, it can be of integrating things that we’ve learnt, experiences that we’ve been through, so that we become a stronger and better person in all sorts of ways.

Cycles and Transformation

So, personally, I love winter. I love the yin and I also love the yang!

I love transformation and I love the whole process of transformation.

The winter and the yin times are a vital part of that. Without that, we can’t have the exciting bloom of spring, we can’t have the exciting fires of alchemy, creation and new beginnings and the Sun rising in the east.

Without night there would be no dawn, there would be no day. 

Without entering the yin deeply, we can’t have that moment of awakening. The Sun breaking through the horizon, appearing in the sky, the thrill and the joy of seeing that birth and that creation of light. So, I love both.

There is something to always look forward to because we have that secure knowledge that the Sun does always rise. Sometimes being in the dark winter, in the dark night of the soul, or the winter, or the yin times, we lose that hope and we do fall into despair. 

Some people genuinely don’t make it through those times. I have so much love and compassion for that. Those of us that do make it through those moments, perhaps we experience some small miracles or even large miracles?

Perhaps we experience the kindness of a stranger, or the loving attention of a partner, or the sweet affection of a pet, or just a well-timed smile? Perhaps we receive an unexpected gift or some good fortune?

These are the types of things that can get us through the dark times. Without the dark times, there would not be the space available for those little miracles to happen. Those little miracles are the things that build faith and give us the strength and resilience that we will draw on in the future. 

Those positive experiences give us positive memories to call upon during winter times.

We can be reminded of the eternal nature of love and the power of that love, and the magic that can happen sometimes, like a flash of light. Those little miracles give us a resource, a central pool of hope, that we can cultivate and turn inwardly towards when needed.

Much love for now,

ilana x

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