Winter Solstice 2022


We began our evening with the singing bowl invoking the violet flame to cleanse away negativity. We spent some time enlivening our senses with cranberries, essential oils, a beautiful altar and candles. This brought us into our present awareness along with some deep breathing into and through our beautiful bodies.

We listened to a reflection

“Where do I belong?

I belong to myself. I belong to the universe. I belong to mother earth.  I belong to the wind, the trees, the fire and the earth. I belong to the water and the changing tides of the moon. I belong to life itself. I belong to death. I belong to rebirth and change. I belong to joy and laughter and people. I belong to the present moment and the sun shining in the sky. I belong to my breath. I belong to my body. I belong to me.” ilana alix angelic.

This Winter Solstice evening was one of quiet and listening and tuning in with the lunar energies. 


We learnt that the night before Winter Solstice in pre-Christian times was known as “Mother’s night” and marked the beginning of Twelves Sacred Nights. It is a time to pay tribute to the ancestral mothers and female spirits who protect and watch over our families.

We invoked the five elements of earth, air, fire, water and spirit, and observed the traditional symbol of spirit for this season, the evergreen.


We listened to an introduction to our Shamanic Drumming Journey:-

“It is a truth that we are all created from the same substance of energy, and that when we reach inside and deeply connect and listen, we can sense all of creation. It is in this place that intuition lives, where the energy is quantum, where healing takes place and where stillness, grace, peace and bliss can be found.

This central creative force is often sensed to be feminine in nature. At our core, we can all sense her. She has many names including the following, listen to the list and receive which ones speak to you:-

The divine feminine,

the old crone,

the ancestral mother,

the grandmother,

the elder,

the divine mother,



mother earth,

the moon,

mother universe,

creator of the universe,

the goddess of creation,

the goddess of the universe,

and the first mother.”

“When I heard the words ‘ancestral mother’ my whole body shook!”

We entered our interior world through our heart chakra and imagined there to be a cavern of pure, sparkling white light. We went on a journey to meet the divine feminine mother at the centre of all creation, and we listened for messages.

We listened to a reflection about the Moon:-

“The moon reveals what is hidden. She reflects the Sun's light into the shadows, bravely and gently soothing, healing and evolving.

The moon relates to the sixth chakra, or the third eye chakra and she is symbolic of the powers of intuition and inner knowing, dreams and the symbolic world, the unconscious and the mysterious.

This chakra centred between the eyebrows is the energy centre governing eyes, ears and nose, the brain and nervous system, the pituitary and pineal glands.

While we are working with the Moon, we have the opportunity to receive intuitive guidance and uplift old wounds and patterns. There is a wonderful potential for release, especially at this longest night of the year when she is present in the many dark hours.

Fears are an indication of being on the verge of a big change, potentially a massive breakthrough. Our Moon urges us to see this truth. She softly lights the way through.

Maybe it is the full, fiery light of the Sun which follows in her wake, that gives us the courage to move forward.

If the Moon is gently leading us through the shadows, it is the symbolic Sun of our soul and soul purpose that are the ignition for the fulfilment and manifestation of our dreams.

When we engage with the Winter Solstice process, we give birth to our own selves.

As the Moon gives birth to the Sun, we surrender to our own evolution, allow release and healing to take place, and embrace the clarity of our own personal vision of peace, bringing it to beautiful reality.” ilana alix angelic

We finished the evening with some singing and chanting and receiving an offering of fire. Then we relaxed with hot homemade apple and tayberry crumble with custard😊

We enjoyed sharing and talking afterwards, getting to know new people and sipping on herbal teas.

Another wonderful gathering!

“Tonight has been amazing for me. I feel like I’ve had a full reiki treatment.”

“This was just what I needed, thank you.”

“I’ve really enjoyed it.”


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