Revival at the Spring Equinox 2023


We began our honouring with sage smudging. We burnt the fragrant sage and received the cleansing smoke around us whilst chanting quietly.

“I love the smell”


Next, we brought ourselves into present awareness with the breath and by engaging our senses. We took in the sights of the images and seasonal decorations on the altars. The scent in the oil diffuser was floral to lift us into a spring flowers mood. We each chose a meditation stone to hold.

We took some deep breaths together, relaxed our bodies and re-connected with ourselves. So often we are busy that we lose that self-body wholeness. When we welcome ourselves and our beautiful bodies into the sacred space, we feel instantly more calm.

We acknowledged this time of honouring we give to ourselves, and embraced the intention to feel compassion and absolute kindness. The atmosphere in the space felt even more still, and the groups felt harmonious and consciously in the moment.

We listened to an introduction about the season. We were mindful of this moment in the year of perfect balance of equal day and equal night. We learned about the different traditions from all around the world which celebrate the Spring Equinox.

We heard of the recurring themes of spring-time which are honoured the world over including light, life, re-birth, fertility, eggs, spring cleaning, birdsong, flowers, bright colours and bonfires.


We learned about the goddess Ostara. Her name evolved from the word EOSTRE (pronounced “Oh-stra” or “Ay-stra”). The words East and Easter are also evolved from this goddess, who is the goddess of the radiant dawn, the Sun rising in the East.

With all of this in mind and contemplation we thoughtfully moved on with our honouring ritual to invoke the five elements of earth, air, fire, water and spirit.

An Altar for Spring

Rose quartz crystal egg in the north

Incense and feather in the east

Candle flame in the south

Scented water and shells in the west

Colourful flowers in the centre for spirit.

Our guided visualisation took us to an evergreen tree under a beautiful night-time sky of moon and stars. We relaxed while snow softly fell onto our branches creating a quiet, comforting atmosphere. As the snow melted in the Sun, rising at the radiant dawn, the water shone and shimmered with rainbows of potential and possibility. 

This was an opportunity to listen for guidance about our next steps, as the rainbows fell to the ground creating a carpet of colourful spring flowers, guiding us on our path.

We immersed ourselves in nature’s beauty, connecting deeply through our roots to Mother Earth. This inward space feels so calm, still and loving.

The drumming brought an opportunity to journey deeper into relaxation as the fast, shamanic rhythm creates theta waves in the brain, calming the physiology and supporting deep meditation and trance-like states.

After this nourishing and replenishing inward experience, we brought ourselves strongly back into the spring-time present with a singing meditation “Rising Greening Trees”, which left us feeling refreshed and alive.

We gathered round the ritual burning pan, and sent our intentions and prayers for our personal revival out to the ether in this powerful symbolic act, releasing and letting go with faith. At this point we were open to feeling complete, calm and renewed.

Finally, we each received an offering of either mini-eggs or grapes, and enjoyed some delicious refreshments and hot drinks, sharing our experiences and talking.

“Thank you for another beautiful evening.”

“I enjoyed it, I’ll be back!”

“Thanks for a great gathering. Loved it!”

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