Amplifying the Field of Grace


Hi everyone,

How have your summer holidays been going? Have you been making time to go on trips, spend time with loved ones and have some fun? Have you been spending time outdoors appreciating sky, sun, sea and grass?

Keep it Simple

The simplest of nature spiritual practice is to observe nature all around you, and send a pulse of appreciation from your heart. It can take just one second!

A simple thought “wow! Those clouds look pretty”, is actually a prayer of appreciation and is received. Mother Earth could do with some love right now. I want to encourage you to give these small prayers everywhere you go.

Prayer is something that has real value. It doesn’t have to be a structured set of words, though it can be. It doesn’t have to be embodied in gestures which make a ritual, but it can be. You can truly keep it simple, and that love felt and sent, is received.

In my understanding, love is an energy. Everything is an energy. I believe that when we pray, or send love, we “amplify the field of grace”, which supports positive vibrations and outcomes.

Prayer and Faith

I remember hearing a story from one of my favourite spiritual teachers, Caroline Myss.

She described an event where there was a car crash, and people injured. Two women stuck in traffic sent prayers to the injured, and later went to visit the people in hospital. 

One of the injured people said she actively saw the power of the prayers as a white light. As she lay there being worked on by paramedics, her soul-self floated above the scene and observed.

When she later awoke in hospital, she recalled seeing the white light emanating from these praying women towards her own body.

If you do your own research, you will very probably find SO MANY studies that have been carried out proving the power of prayer!

The Season

Our current season is the transition towards Autumn Equinox. We are still in harvest season right now, with the third and final harvest season being October 31st at Samhain.

Astrologically, we will soon be beginning another eclipse season. Right now, the Sun is about to move from Leo to Virgo, and we are transiting with a Mercury Retrograde.

What does it all mean?!

In (very brief!) summary, Leo is about the Sun. It is about being your shiny, authentic self. It is about illumination. Virgo is about systems, both internal and external, which support or hinder.

So, at the moment and until 28th August (when Mercury goes direct), we have opportunities to re-evaluate some things about ourselves. If we have internal mindsets which do not serve our authentic selves and soul paths, these may receive some highlight.

The influence of the full moon in Aquarius yesterday may have been turning some things upside down, and revealing some surprises!

Personally, my world has been rocked around a few things! I keep my practice of self-reflection and humble honesty as much as I can. I WANT to reveal how I can evolve and change!

I do my best to practice self-compassion and kindness for all the ways in which I “fail” or could “do better”. 

I encourage you to bring these kindnesses to yourselves. Only within a culture of compassion, do we feel the safety of being humble, and our true selves, which means we can heal, change and shine.

Find Balance at the Autumn Equinox

Will you be joining me at our next festival? 

We will practise mindful, conscious breathing, honouring the season, guided meditation and shamanic drumming. We will include intention-setting and refreshments in this mini-retreat style gathering at my home.

Saturday 21st September, 2.30pm to 5pm, in Glossop (near Manchester, UK)

Autumn Equinox is a time of perfect balance. We have a moment of equal day and equal night, which is a perfect time to review and reflect. As we reap the symbolic harvest of what we have been sowing, we celebrate all that we have. Traditionally, we feast on delicious fruits and share in community. Now is a time of preparation for the winter season, to gather our supplies and set intentions for the deep journeying of the dark season ahead.

Sacred Walks

Our next Sacred Walk will be Sunday 1st September on Shire Hill, Glossop, Derbyshire, UK.

You can watch a short video of the last walk  here.

These walks are for everyone, including children and well-behaved dogs.

They are free and offered in the spirit of community. The usual rules about safe, sacred space, sobriety and the care of vulnerable people apply. 

You can join the Whatsapp group by sending me an email, or filling in the contact form, with your mobile number.


As the Sun moves into Virgo, we may notice the sense of grounding in the nature around us. Many of us associate this time of year with the “back to school” feeling of regular routines, and moving back indoors.

It’s a great time to reflect and review, and make plans. Having a declutter, organisation and clean, can support your routines and home or work life.

Committing to keeping up some good health habits, diet or exercise, meditation or spiritual practice, good sleep and relaxation, are all great things to be doing right now.

As we begin to drift indoors a little more, maybe you can bring some of the nature inside, to sustain that earth connection? Pick up some leaves or cut flowers from your garden, or tend your indoor houseplants.

For those who like to move their body with meditation, here’s my favourite online chi gung teacher guiding you through a slow and gentle practice with the earth element.

Chi Gung

Sending so much love to you for now,

ilana x

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