


Hi everyone,

As the autumn colours continue to turn and develop, and the evenings become darker, it’s time to become present with the more inward half of the year.

SAD lamp

I have been hearing from some people that this year is even more challenging than usual. Maybe because of the low sun levels in the UK this summer. Is this you? I HUGELY encourage you to get yourself a SAD lamp. 

September is the perfect time to start using it to prevent the winter blues!

I absolutely love mine and really recommend them. If you do decide to buy here are my top tips:-

·      make sure it’s 10,000 lux minimum (medical grade)

·      sit within three feet so the lamp is really close to your face

·      angle the lamp above you and to the side so the light enters your eyes diagonally from above like the real sun

·      use for at least fifteen minutes every morning before 12pm, ideally when you first get up. I find breakfast time to be ideal.

I don’t feel down or glum about the dark days since using mine which maintains my capacity for appreciation of winter, which I absolutely LOVE!


A few weeks ago, we had the full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces, the first in a season of eclipses across the Libra Aries axis.

I have to say, this alignment has rocked my world! How is it for you?

Pisces is indicating endings. It may be things you expected to end, and it may be a gentle completion. Waters run deep in this water sign, and are bound to be supporting us to align with our soul and deepest spiritual selves.

I am holding on for the ride of change, and send you blessings as well. Whatever transformations are rumbling around for us, we will evolve with grace!


I am delighted to say that I will again appear on Daniela’s podcast on this coming Wednesday 2nd October. It falls on the new moon solar eclipse in Libra, and feels auspicious as I begin launching my *new* Soul Coaching offerings.

You can watch the last podcast (June) here. Follow The School of Conscious Evolution on Youtube to be notified of the next soulful talk. I’d love to see some friendly faces in the live chat!

Soul Coaching

Do you wonder about your soul purpose? Are you seeking to deeply connect with your soul self? Are you asking how you can grow and evolve to become more aligned with your divine purpose?

Coming soon I will be offering one-to-one Soul Coaching.

I am launching Group Sessions live via Zoom (TOMORROW!) which are a really affordable way to experience soul connection and receive some psychic guidance from Archangel Metatron.

Follow this link to hear from me about this on Youtube.

I am hosting the first few group events at crazy low prices (in exchange for extra experience and feedback, and marketing rights, check terms and conditions).

This is a bonkers promotion! Grab your ticket now, only five spots available for this first group at £7.

Soul Coaching Group with Psychic Ilana Alix Angelic Tickets, Sun, Sep 29, 2024 at 5:00 PM | Eventbrite

Honour the Ancestors at Samhain Glossop

Coming soon!

We will practise mindful, conscious breathing, honouring the season, sacred ritual, guided meditation and shamanic drumming.

Thursday 31st October, 7.30pm to 9pm at Bradbury House, Glossop

Honour the Ancestors at Samhain Glossop Tickets, Thu, Oct 31, 2024 at 7:30 PM | Eventbrite

At Samhain, as we enter the darkness we return to the light. As our ancestors pass through death they return to spirit. As we journey within ourselves, we discover the expanse of everything. Within the dark womb is the light of creation. As we let things go, space is created for growth. As the plants die back, they prepare for rebirth. As we withdraw, we rejuvenate. The veils between worlds are thin, and now is a time to surrender your physical existence and reach for the divine.


Most of all, let’s all remember to appreciate the nature around us every day. Our Mother Earth receives this loving energy, which is actually a prayer.

In what ways can you plan to walk or sit in nature? Or even give yourself five minutes to look out of the window😊 Love is a two way energy, so as you feel love towards Mother Nature, she will feed you with peace.

Much love for now,

ilana x

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