Shamanism, Paganism and Earth Religion

Watch a video about why I love earth spirituality here. 

The Earth religions are the oldest we know of and, I believe, are the foundations of all spirituality.

The honouring of the elements (earth, air, fire, water and spirit) and the directions (north, east, south and west) are common around the world, especially with indigenous tribes.

The Chinese tradition observes five elements which are wood, fire, earth, metal and water. 

The mainstream religions still include the elements in their rituals today, such as the Hindu fire ceremonies, the offering of the elements to the Christian altar, and sacred buildings around the world are usually oriented to a specific direction.

In our observance and honouring of nature we find perfect balance. There is balance between masculine and feminine, creation and destruction, night and day, outward and inward. These opposites are, I believe, in deepest truth, in union with each other.

When we are steeped in spiritual energies through devoted practice, we begin to sense this reality and find peace. It is in this sacred space that we are no longer anxious or afraid and we learn to rest into the Divine. At this time, we relate to the cycles of nature with calm reflection. 


We feel certain that night is followed by day, winter is followed by spring, war is followed by peace and death is followed by rebirth.

Immersing ourselves in contemplating these themes allows us to reconnect to these universal truths and energies. We create possibilities for ourselves for an awakening, a remembering of the eternal, quantum nature of our own spirit, which is the same Great Spirit that is in all things.

The subtleties of this wisdom can be found in everyday nature itself, and with our own inner listening.



Shamanism is not a religion and does not have a hierarchical structure. It does not have a sacred book or rules for how to live life. It began in ancient times and is as old as human beings, it was practised before there were even words or writing.

A shaman does not form a group of followers and is encouraged to be independent. He or she works for the wellbeing of all society and also responds to requests by individuals for help or healing.

At its’ centre is a great respect for the soul of Mother Earth and the power of nature. The experience of Shamans is that spirit does exist and has the power to influence us in good or negative ways.

Shamans enter a trance-like state and travel in the spirit world to request spirits for healing or guidance. The skills for this are developed with intense meditative practice and a pure devotion to spirituality.

Shamanic drumming and other systematic sounds such as chanting and songs, and listening to stories bring the brain into theta wave consciousness of three to six cycles per second.

This is a state of consciousness associated with deep meditation and which has been shown to have incredible physiological and psychological benefits.

Shamanic healing includes using substances of the earth as medicines such as herbalism, homeopathy, flower essences and crystal healing.

It includes the power of intentional ceremony, ancestral healing, curse removal, soul retrieval, past-life healing and bringing psychic messages from loved ones, angels or spirit guides.


Ilana and Shamanism

Ilana began offering shamanic drumming as part of Earth Spirituality Events in response to requests, and also after watching a documentary. In the documentary indigenous South American Shamans shared some of their traditions, wisdom and ceremony. 

They explained that in these current times Mother Earth's electromagnetic field is the smallest that it has ever been. They said that historically shamanism was only engaged in by people who have been passed down with deep training and traditions.

However, at this present time, these shamans implored as many people in the world to drum, because our Mother Earth needed it so desperately.

“I was very moved, and felt these shamans speaking to my soul. My passion for Earth Spirituality deepened after this.” ilana

Tragically, shamanic practices have largely been destroyed worldwide by the movement of Christian missionaries who declared shamans to be “witch doctors”, and had them eradicated.

The indigenous people of the lands where most of us were born and now live, were invaded by dominating forces which sought to wipe out the ancient traditions.

Many people travel to South America, Australia and other places to find teachers of the “old ways” and receive the powerful healing it can bring, along with the plant medicines of the native lands.

“In the British Isles the Romans invaded and conquered. They determined to impose their version of Christian religion on the people and consequently, shamanism here is all but lost.

I believe that we all have the right to reclaim Earth Spirituality.

I believe we all have the right and the ability to pick up a drum, and vision ourselves into a shamanic journey with an intention to receive healing and guidance.” ilana

If we had been born into our ancient native shamanic communities, we would have been raised with an appreciate of nature. We would have grown up observing the cycles of the sun, the moon, the stars, the trees, the plants, the animals, the elements, the directions.


We would have known how to make medicines from the plants and had an intuitive recognition for health.

 We would have developed our psychic abilities and been trained in shamanic practices as a natural part of our culture. We would all be living in sustainable harmony with nature and have shamanic healers to turn to.

“My own experience with shamanic practices has been natural and organic. As a child I was already psychic and I have been journeying with divine spirits and channelling reiki energy since my earliest memories.

Once I became an Angelic Reiki Practitioner my abilities became more conscious and accelerated. I was facing very dark energies and carrying out curse breaking and soul retrieval extensively. This happened before I heard much about shamanism.


I have since learned that Angels are encompassed within shamanism as ‘upper world’ beings.” ilana

Ilana is now studying a qualification in Shamanic Healing, (as well as being a qualified Angelic Reiki Practitioner, Homeopath and Life Coach), and is currently receiving attunements for a healing which combines Angelic Reiki with Shamanic Healing. Watch this space!

Paganism and Earth Religion

Earth Religions such as Paganism and Wicca follow the Wheel of the Year and observe these festivals.

Yule – Winter Solstice, Mid-Winter, the shortest day, around 21st December.

Imbolc – The coming of spring, 1st February

Ostara – Spring Equinox, equal night and day, around 21st March

Beltane – Celtic May Eve, May Day, beginning of summer, 1st May

Midsummer – Summer Solstice, the longest day, around 21st June

Lammas – Lughnasadh, first harvest, 1st August

Mabon – Autumn Equinox, second harvest, equal night and day, around 21st September

Samhain – Hallowe’en, third harvest, end of summer and return of winter, 31st October and 1st November




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