Imbolc 2023 - Return to Spring


We began our evening with a refreshing spritz of vetiver and lavender water for purification, one of the main themes of the season. Next, we awakened our senses. We took in the images on the altar, appreciated the aromatherapy scents in the air and each chose a feather to hold and touch with our hands.

We spent a few minutes in a guided present awareness process, breathing and relaxing. We set our intentions for the evening to feel compassion and absolute kindness for ourselves, and to honour ourselves with the gift of time for inward connection and reflection.

We listened to an introduction about Imbolc, learning that the festival’s name is derived from the Irish word “Imbolg” which means “in the belly”. The season is symbolic of our pregnant Mother Earth, not yet showing but with the promise of Spring to come.

 We observed that this time is the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, a “cross quarter” day. The quarter day festivals being the two solstices and the two equinoxes. Read more about earth religion here.

The symbolism of the pattern of “four” which occurs in our natural world is reflected especially at this festival. Traditionally people made a four-armed cross and hung it over their fireplace to welcome in new life at this time.

We heard about the Celtic Irish Goddess Brigid who embodies the themes of this season, especially the elements of fire and water, as the growing sun warms the damp, fertile earth and new life stirs in the ground.

Next, we did our invocation of the five elements of earth, air, fire, water and spirit, and the four directions, and welcomed our own sacred connections of ancestors, deities, angels, ascended masters, nature spirits or any beings or forces of pure light and goodness.


An Altar for the Goddess Brigid and Imbolc

Selenite crystal in the north

Incense and feather in the east

Candle flame in the south

Scented water in the west

Fresh new hyacinth bulb in the centre for spirit


We also listened to a special chant invoking the presence of the Goddess Brigid in all of us.

We then moved on to our drumming journey, a “meditation with the trees in the woods”. We imagined being in a beautiful woodland and were guided inwards to a quiet, restful place, sinking into the earth to be gently held, supported and nurtured by the Goddess.


Some of us experienced very detailed and symbolic images of spirit animals, tunnels of light, cliffs, rivers, underground caverns and flowers. Some of us experienced very visceral physical sensations, and some of us saw ourselves dancing in white dresses. Some of us shed tears of release. The drumming journey on Imbolc was powerful for everyone.

We reflected on the wholeness of our lives as complete, successful, fulfilled and joyful. We asked ourselves “Where will I go next?”

We repeated aloud some empowering positive affirmations and ended the ritual with sage smudging and chanting.

Next, we raised our voices with fiery vigour and sang our Singing Meditations “Mamma Earth” and “Everything I need”.


Finally, we each received an offering from the altar of a pouch containing an individual message from Brigid, with rose petals, jasmine flowers and sultanas. A wonderful blessing indeed!

After closing the space we enjoyed homemade cinnamon carrot cake and herbal teas and shared deeply with each other about our journeys. This was a very connecting evening where people really enjoyed the ceremonies and the conversation with other people interested in spirituality.

“You hold a really wonderful space”

“I don’t usually see anything on shamanic drumming journeys, but with this I dropped straight into it”

“I had an amazing experience”

“That was a really lovely evening”

 “The energy in the room was so strong , especially during the chanting.”






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