Metatron's Messages


“Know Thyself”

Channelling Archangel Metatron and his host of angels, by ilana alix angelic on live group sessions via Zoom, and more in depth in one-to-one Soul Coaching.

Scroll to the end for examples taken from readings.

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What was your soul planning when it chose this life? How can you reconnect with your purpose?

Do you want to fully accept who you are? Do you want to improve your relationships with loved ones?

Imagine how rich your experience of living will be when you choose to reconnect with your soul and your purpose.

Knowing the unfolding themes of your soul will give you incredible insight into who you are today.

When you receive your Archangel Metatron’s Message you will receive all of this information and more.

The words themselves are infused with vibrational energies and prayer which increase the power of the angelic forces which are already around you.

Your Soul Purpose Angel Reading can bring you greater peace and understanding, an appreciation for your life so far, self-respect, self-acceptance, self-love and new directions for soul fulfilment. It can offer you fresh perspectives and open doors of opportunity.

Most of all, you will be held in the strong embrace of Archangel Metatron.

This Archangel is known for holding the records of everyone’s past lives and he may relate some of this to you.

He will speak your divine truth to you which you will sense as true on the deepest level. He will answer all your questions with grace and practicality.

You may find after reading your message that you experience any or all of the following:-

·        an awakening or shift

·        a release of self-criticism or a sense of burden

·        an epiphany or new perspective which leads you into a happier life

·        improved relationships with yourself and others.

Client comments

 “Almost overnight I gained a different perspective”

 “Just wanted to THANKYOU and Archangel Metatron so much- I've finally broken free!”

 “I was amazed at the insights she picked up regarding my past and my soul self, an incredible experience”

 “Ilana’s description of my life purpose fitted exactly with what I knew deep down”

 “Since the reading I feel like I have been in a warp drive”

“The love from ilana and the angels is so apparent. It spilled into me and took immediate effect.”

“It is just so helpful to be clearer about one’s soul’s path, and to be able to see events in your life you struggle with from your soul’s point of view.”

“Ilana’s angel readings are ‘gentle’, ‘clear’ and ‘strong’.”

“It's so full of information I keep re-reading it and discovering new gems.”

More about Metatron

Metatron’s Messages

Archangel Metatron is known as being the keeper of the “Akashic Records”. This is a library of knowledge about every single soul and all of our lives.

Archangel Metatron is usually present between incarnations whilst souls are deciding what purpose to bring to the next life.

As such, he brings messages which inspire us to remember our soul history and purpose.

Metatron’s Messages via Ilana can be powerfully reconnecting for people to hear. His words often resonate or feel right and can be a great comfort especially in times of confusion.


Archangel Metatron is also known as being the guardian of the “indigo children”.

Indigos are people so named due to the colour of their aura and are characterised by a fierce independence and sensitivity. They are powerfully truthful and rebel against lies and corruption.

There have always been indigos in the world bringing change and revolution. For example, Jesus would be considered to be an indigo.

It is understood that since the 1970’s an unusually large number of indigo children have been born, due to the massive leap in evolution taking place on Earth, referenced by the year 2012 and beyond.

Focus on soul purpose and healing

It is when we uncover and live our souls’ purpose that we are happiest and healthiest.

By knowing and accepting our true selves we find greater self-esteem and self-love, and the freedom to make choices and take action which lead to living a fulfilling life.

All Ilana’s readings are nurturing, infused with love and angelically guided.

The information received connects you to your own soul and soul purpose.

Healing is spontaneous and deep upon reading the words of the angels in your message. This happens on all levels including mental, psychological, emotional, spiritual and vibrational.

From Archangel Metatron and his host of angels

Examples taken from readings

“I am always present in moments of direction. This is one such moment. You have choices to make, dear girl. The power is in your hands to shape your life. You can choose great things”.

“Remember that you chose to be incarnated and you were fully aware of the challenges that were likely to face you. Remember that you have all the power, knowledge, wisdom and potential within you to conquer anything you face”.

“You have a gentle soul, dear one. Through all your lives your gift of gentleness has shone through. There have been times when your gift has been valued and times when it hasn’t. You have experienced hardship and oppression but you have never turned to violence. You are quite unique. Peacefulness and non-violence run deep within you and you have much to teach. We urge you to recognise your gift and begin to let it shine in the world. The world needs you”.

“Remember, the mysterious, unseen, unconscious forces are REAL. Your deep unconscious mind has the power to find solutions that you might not have otherwise come to. Allow your unconscious to work on this. Taking this approach is an act of faith. Whilst you may not like the word “faith” nevertheless the action that you take can be “faithful”. In shifting your focus, your behaviour is indicating that you trust the current problem to be resolved. You are trusting that the resolution will be effortless and easy. This allows you to feel more relaxed. Relaxed feelings nurture positive energies and allow inspirational solutions to occur”.

“Let us now recall the time before you were born into this life. Whether you believe in past lives or not, I am asking you to remain open-minded enough to receive what I say. Truth comes to people in mysterious ways. Remaining humble to the mystery will help you. Take what feels right and leave the rest”.

“Have faith. God’s plan is always higher and beyond normal understanding. This is a very real test of faith for you. You want to be in service to God. Yet, God is asking you to first serve yourself”.

“Your soul journey has been intense. You have lived a great many lifetimes. Your passion and care for the human race and the beloved planet earth is very strong. Your soul has always chosen to incarnate and bring love and peace to whatever situation. You have been fearless and strong. For this lifetime you chose a number of different roles to play and challenges to face”.

“It is your time to shine. All the work you have done on yourself and for the world, add up to a lot of experience. You need time to integrate and digest. To allow the flavours to merge. When you choose to reveal your light, you will be ready”.

“The security you seek and need to heal your base chakra you will find through Mother Earth Sacred practices such as drumming, fires, bare feet on the earth, crystals, gardening, nature, animals. This is with your focus and intention strictly between yourself and mother earth. Even if you are in a group doing these things you have to focus on yourself in relationship to mother earth”.

“At the time your soul was considering this life, you took into account all of your past lives and experience. You worked with me and other Angels, Ascended Masters and Benevolent Beings to formulate your desires for this life. Together, we knew of the suffering and atrocities you had experienced and witnessed. You have spent a good proportion of lives as a “saviour” type. This means that you were a leader in battles, a rescuer in emergency situations, someone willing to stand against what was wrong. Your soul has had its fair share of fighting in this way. Never afraid to “get stuck in” you have been passionate in your soul work”.

“You will need to fill up with this divine love in order to complete your life purpose. I am instructing you to receive with all your heart. I am instructing you to take some time in retreat, in silence, in nature, in sabbatical. I encourage you to breathe deeply into spirit and draw in the energy you need for yourself”.

“At the time that you were choosing this life, your parents, siblings, place of birth, culture and time, your soul was really very joyful! You had enjoyed a series of highly successful, very spiritual lives in the Far East. These lives were a foundation of discipline, meditation, spiritual practice, acquisition of etheric knowledge and understanding, martial arts and a building of power for you”.

“The strong Mother archetype in you is what people naturally turn to and see in you. They feel safe with you, safe, protected and loved. They feel nurtured. They feel that you will always have the answer. People can sometimes become dependent on you and you will have to be careful with that. Watch out for any false rewards you get of feeling needed. Ultimately this will only drain you”.

“Your soul’s path in this life is complicated and we want to bring you information to help you on your way. You have a great efficiency about you. You are able to master things. Then, after you have mastered the technique or subject, you can take it or leave it. You like a challenge. You enjoy the learning. The reason you bring these qualities with you in this life, is what we will explore. Remember that your soul is extremely accomplished. As a child you may have felt far too clever and wise for the world around you! As your soul observed the world and considered this life to incarnate, you took many things into consideration”.

“Your leadership means you have been riding the crest of a wave and you have lost sight of, or rather, lost the sensation of being PART of the wave. You have been so busy seeing where you are going and directing the wave that you’ve lost touch with it. Sink back into the waters and enjoy the ride!”

 “You have much to give in this life and much to love and experience. You have great (romantic) love coming to you but you will have to be patient. First you must heal your heart. This is the way of the shaman”.

“Another purpose in this lifetime was to have your daughter. There is a special closeness between you because you have known each other before. There is a camaraderie which you treasure. You are friends indeed. You are right that she has needed you very much in establishing herself into this world. This is because you are specifically supporting her to complete the unpicking of the negative energies in the family line”.

“You definitely have a gift of faith. You came here in this life to develop it further. You gave yourself very human, primal challenges of relationships and tribal belonging deliberately. You might not know it yet but you are an inspiration to your children and grandchildren and to many other people that you have touched and met along the way”.

“You have had lives where you were devoted to a spiritual life. Consequently, you still enjoy the process of ritual. The cues for internal awareness and divine connection which ritual bring you are so important to you. This comes from past life training and experience. You like structure to your spirituality so religion suits you. You are discerning of spiritual energy. You know when a place is sacred. You can sense spirit in other people. When a religious experience doesn’t contain enough genuine spirituality, you notice it”.

“At the soul level, you understand completely that the simplicity of love and respect is at the centre of all life, happiness and fulfilment. This would be considered a spiritually mature attitude. Modern religions often fail to teach this single principle as they are bogged down with the history of human culture. The religion you might be most attracted to would be something very simple such as zen Buddhism but organised religion is definitely not your path! However, don’t think that you are not spiritual. It is important you acknowledge that you are. Just because you are not religious doesn’t mean you don’t live with the principle of love in your life. The Dalai Lama teaches “ethics” more than religion and this is more your style. But you are not interested in all the fancy costumes and robes, incense and statues”.

“You are ambitious. You have come into this life with bigger plans than you currently acknowledge. You are really quite driven to succeed. Allow us to help you to recognise this. Let us go back and remember the time before you were born. All souls take time to review their past lives and choose their next one. For you, this process was deeply thoughtful. You were thorough and looked at all angles, which is typical of your soul”.

“You are more than capable of carrying the responsibility ahead of you. You have the responsibility of holding someone else’s heart and you take that very seriously. You have the responsibility of honouring yourself and your life’s purpose and you take that very seriously. You can do it all!”

“You have spent many lifetimes communing with animals, in particular Native American life times are strong within you. Fill your home environment with symbols of nature to bring Mother Earth energy close to you and strengthen your energy field. You need to surround yourself with the elements. Rocks and crystals, water, candles for fire, plants, feathers etc. Only when you do this will you feel at peace”.

“In past lives you have been a warrior and a benevolent leader many times. In this life you have come in as a gentle feminine presence with a warriors’ heart. You already know your soul purpose. Spirit has been drawing you to it and you have been noticing the signs. You are here to help people with their grief and also to change people’s attitudes towards death”.

“When you have expectations, you are limiting the power of God. The energy you give starts things in the direction of your own expectation and when that doesn’t manifest it provokes doubt in you. Anger even. And fear. It rocks your faith. Have no expectation of what will return to you and what will be created. You know you must give your creative energy and let it go to take on its most divine form without your control of prediction about what it should be”.

“You have a special affinity with Celtic culture. You spent some significant lifetimes in the British Isles and France living close to nature with plenty of music, herbalism, storytelling and folklore. You love stories about faeries and magic because it speaks to your soul even more than most people”.

“In reviewing your past lives, we can see that you have had many lives as a man and your most recent life you were a man. You are comfortable with male energy and culture. You prefer a no-nonsense, up front way of living. Your happiest lives were outdoor based, literally hunting and fishing and building fires. A very simple life”.





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