Earth Spirituality


Read about past Earth Spirituality events here:- Beltane 2023, Spring Equinox 2023, Imbolc 2023, Winter Solstice 2022All Hallows 2022, Autumn Equinox 2022 Lammas 2022, Summer Solstice 2022, Kind Goddess 2022

Earth Spirituality

Ritual is something that many of us desire but don’t know how to create.

Do you long for something sacred but you’re not sure what it is? Are you drawn towards the ideas of tranquillity, serenity and peace but haven’t found a way to access it?

Do you crave a strong connection with nature and the elements? 

Are you interested in shamanism, paganism and earth religion?

Are you curious about what it all means?!

Many of us are no longer attracted to the traditional religions but haven’t yet found our spiritual “home”. I believe that spirituality is an intimately personal experience, and just as each one of us is a totally unique individual, so our spirituality is unique.

My own spirituality is developed from a very large number of influences!

At an earth spirituality event we experience a reverent atmosphere which we can rest into. This in itself is an act of self-love as we give ourselves the time and space to be cherished.

 Watch a video about why I love earth spirituality here.

We have our senses enlivened with images, sound, vibration, touch, movement, scent and sometimes taste! Whilst many find traditional meditation challenging, by being physically involved in the ritual practice with an attitude of honouring, you will receive an opportunity to calm the mind and spirit in a different way.

I believe that sensory experiences awaken the brain and provide cues for states of relaxation, awareness and peace. It has recently been publicised that sensory stimulation contributes to the expanded use, and improved health of the brain.

We engage in the most ancient spiritual practice of invoking the elements of earth, air, fire, water and spirit and honouring our Mother Earth.

We may include visioning, journeying, meditation, prayer, intention, sage smudging, incensing, candles, drumming, honouring the five elements and the four directions, honouring the moon, singing and chanting.

Each event is unified into a theme for the event you attend, and is rooted in cultivating the Divine Feminine qualities. Click here to read about Divine Feminine and Goddess

A spiritual practice of honouring and ritual is like saying to the universe “Yes! I’m open to experiencing spirituality. I have respect for the unseen powers and I choose to remember that, at my centre, I am whole and divine”

Spiritual practice can lead to greater self-love, self-awareness, self-connection, inner peace and, sometimes, great healing or awakening.


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